Friday, October 17, 2008

I'm busy even on my day off...

Got rudely awakened by my mother around 7 a.m., asking me where the car keys were (which were where I left them last - ON THE DAMN TV). For some stupid reason I end up waking up earlier than I would when I don't have to go to work *swear under breath* But I managed to sleep for at least another hour or so before finally waking up cos I wanted the daytime talkshow marathon, which starts at 9 a.m. Breakfast was nasi lemak - which was more or less what I had for breakfast and lunch yesterday cos I'm pretty sure it's from the same stall.

Spent the next couple of hours watching Ellen and also Martha. Had to leave to drive the 'rents to LCCT ten minutes into the Rachael Ray show. Oh well, not that big a fan of hers as well. While all this was happening, my dad (who stopped by his office for a while) called home to tell me to collect this cheque in town before the end of business today.

To say I was a little upset was an understatement - he threw this curve ball which I didn't appreciate as I wanted to go to Midvalley/Gardens to buy my supply of Origins Quick, Hide! concealer I was running low on (the 1U Parkson "no more stock" the particular shade I'm using) AND I didn't want to pay the weekend parking rate if I could help it.

So here's what I did: I drove to Midvalley right after dropping them off at LCCT - over 2 hours of driving at this point, from the house. Parked at the Gardens side (easier and not as painful), first checking with the standalone outlet in the Gardens, which turned out to be a bust as they also "no stock" already. Mentioned my sob story about their outlet being the second place I looked for this particular item and I looked like I was about to blow a fuse, the SA called the counter in the Metrojaya store in Midvalley to enquire before I walked over there. Fortunately (for them), they did and I walked over. Bought the last two that the counter had (even had some samples thrown in - always a plus), which was more than I was willing to spend (even though they're RM52 each, which is not too bad a price for liquid concealer compared to M.A.C...) but even more unwilling to go through the wild goose chase again. Which reminds me, I should call the counter at Pavilion at some point.

So before I left, I bought a Caesar salad at D'Lish (which was delish, btw - before the crunchy bits got too soggy from the dressing for so long) before driving back out again to Dad's office. Picked up one of his long-serving employees (who's been there about 15, 16 years now) and drove to the company in question. You have to note that the reasons why I'm stuck doing this is because,

a) he and Mum were on their way to Indonesia at the time, and
b) it's a relatively huge cheque and he was anxious about it going uncollected for the weekend

Whole trip took us an hour (or so) in the scattered thunderstorms in PJ and KL and with the number of cars on the road at the time. Plus all the driving around after that banking in and what not, total behind the wheel = 4.5 hours. More or less, give or take.

Sure beats being in the office, though.

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