Wednesday, October 22, 2008

MPH Distributors warehouse sale

Drove over to the MPH Distributors (which is supposed to be different from the retail outlet) warehouse sale RIGHT AFTER WORK. Like a mad woman. I was just glad that the traffic on the way there was better than when I was on my way home.

Wasted some time walking a couple of blocks to and fro because I was afraid that I couldn't find any parking down the road. Stupid shoes I was wearing made it difficult to walk any faster in the rain. Damnit.

It wasn't very crowded at that hour, so I was able to get thorough most of the place pretty quickly. Despite having less than an hour to look around, I came away with two books:
  • A Postsecret book! A Lifetime of Secrets: A Postsecret Book by Frank Warren (RM20 - quite a steal for a new-ish, hardcover), and
  • Hershey: Milton S. Hershey's Extraordinary Life of Wealth, Empire and Utopian Dreams by Michael D' Antonio (RM19, hardcover)
Otherwise, the rest of the books are a little too expensive for me. Might go back on Monday (when I'm back from Langkawi) if I remember to.

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