Wednesday, December 24, 2008

So it's Christmas Eve.

Quiet day in the office, with most of the management having the day off, and a couple other managers here catching up on their own work. Can't complain, and I also don't see the point in taking the day off myself when I don't do Christmas. The office is also too cheena to declare half day (heaven forbid that will happen because the company doesn't DO half days), so whatever lah.

About this time every year I get asked if I celebrate Christmas. Every time I say no. I shouldn't be annoyed, but I am. It's like the Christian Chinese people I know who get annoyed when asked whether they celebrate Chinese New Year or not (Answer: Yes, it's a cultural thing, not a religious one like Christmas).

Went to 1U yesterday - a lot of last minute Christmas shopping going on. Took forever to find parking - just my luck. Finally bought the Pure White Linen Light Breeze To Go perfume set at Parkson. Didn't help that I was distracted as I was emailing a fellow blogger about some transaction we were gonna do later and I dropped my ONEcard, which I found out the hard way when I realised I didn't have it on my person on the way out. Luckily I took a couple of deep breaths, drove back to where I had parked and found it in a puddle. Phew.

Then later drove over to said blogger's place in Taman Tun to buy something off her... And then I got frazzled (AGAIN) as I couldn't find the last RM50 bill I had to pay her. Thankfully I eventually found it otherwise it would've been a waste of time for the both of us.

If last night was bad, I reckon tonight will be worse. So I guess I better stay home tonight.

I also got my books in the mail today - Stanley Bing's Crazy Bosses: Spotting The, Serving Them, Surviving Them, as well as George Carlin's Napalm and Silly Putty. Yay.

Oh, before I forget: Happy holidays - be it Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa... or simply just the day or two or the week off. Cheers.

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