Saturday, March 21, 2009

Week 12, 2009

Skipped over last week unintentionally. Just as well because there was not much to recap about.
  1. Saw The International for free Tuesday night. Can't wait to watch Duplicity for more Clive Owen (hehehe).

  2. Did a spot of shopping at 1 Utama. Yawner, I know.

  3. Went out for dessert at Food Foundry for a slice of their mille crepe cake with the girls Friday night, which is surprisingly filling plus drink. It could be cos we all already had had dinner already... After that we made a stop at a mamak for round 2 (kinda - I personally didn't eat anything). Then we made one last stop before calling it a night at around 1 a.m.

  4. HP warehouse sale - a dud if you're not there to get a computer. But at least the place is better air conditioned than last year's.

  5. Sort of started packing for Singapore trip on Monday. Glad that the pater is sending me to the airport in the morning.

  6. Currently SO behind in my TV shows. Desperately catching up now.

  7. Done rereading Angels and Demons. Ready for the movie now and can't wait to see Ewan McGregor. Can't believe there's an Angels and Demons tour that people could do the Path of Illumination for themselves. Oh well.

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