Saturday, January 12, 2013

Penn Jillette's God No! Signs You May Already Be An Atheist and Other Magical Tales

Cover (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Started on the audiobook a week or two ago before the new year, but I finally finished the audio version of  Penn Jillette (of Penn & Teller fame - I definitely would like to see their show in Vegas at some point)'s God No! Signs You May Already Be An Atheist and Other Magical Tales.

I read some of the other customer reviews (especially the 1- and 2-star reviews) on Amazon and I had to laugh a little at the people who thought it was actually about atheism in general and was disappointed. Erm, you're kidding me, right?

Didn't have my hopes up so much when I started it because I already knew what to expect going in. It was profane, swear-y, a bit rambly for something that's not yet 8 hours long. Yes, it's narrated by the author, so you get the full effect. It's also not for kids.

He doesn't just talk about his own atheism, but also stories about his past, his family, his career, and of course, Teller. Some of the stories sounded vaguely familiar to me (particularly the one about scalding his pee-pee on a hair dryer) probably because I had heard them elsewhere or something over the years  Others stories bring insight into his personal life, like why he and Teller work so well together this whole time (30-odd years) is because they're not BFFs when they're not working did concur with what was said about him on the Wikipedia page :P

I wouldn't necessarily have paid for the book, but it was an okay read; it's funny in the right places. If you're a fan, go nuts; if you're not, well... it's up to you. It's supposed to be a light romp of a read anyway.

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