Monday, February 4, 2013

Vernetta Lopez's Memoirs of a DJ: Life in Progress

Totally forgot that I wanted to read Vernetta Lopez's Memoirs of a DJ: Life in Progress until I saw it at Times Bookstore when I was trying to figure out what to get with the birthday voucher (they're so mean - not only don't they send those out anymore, you had to go ONLINE to some weird URL and print it out yourself. WTF). Teohology is still too expensive for me personally.

So I'll keep it short: yes, you'll read about her life, Under One Roof and her other work-related things before and after, her first marriage (ex-husband and his current wife is named), her current husband, her radio DJ job...

If you're expecting a linear narrative, you're not gonna get it. Instead of a river flow, it's more like the beach where the waves go back and forth (in this case, time).

Bottom line: If you know who she is, go nuts. Otherwise, don't bother.

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