Sunday, February 24, 2013

Week 8, 2013 - Happy Soggy Chap Goh Meh

It's Chap Goh Meh and it's raining outside like a MOFO. But at least I'm home and not out tossing oranges :P Busy weekend.
  • After years of kvetching, I finally got a new mattress for myself. Literally travelled far and wide too. Mum was with me for the last stretch and I wanted to make one last stop before going home. After the lady decided not to charge the RM10 disposal fee, my mother went in for the kill and asked for RM650 after seeming to admire the dining sets on display and hinted that she might be back for them. My mother, the haggle ninja.
  • Finally used the RM50 Chili's voucher for a steak meal. Only paid RM3 in taxes. Had it to go (place was packed anyhow) and just as well - while I was downstairs waiting for the elevator to collect, the power went out and the back up power kicked in, I had to foot it the rest of the way up (I would hate to be stuck in the elevators). Luckily I could still leave and enjoy it at home instead. The cat got to gnaw on the fat, so it wasn't a total waste :D

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