Monday, July 1, 2013

Care for your Car Workshop

When it comes to cars, I always feel like a n00b, just because I never learnt these things at home (my dad's not that mechanical) or ever. Well okay, maybe the occasional TV Pendidikan program way back when - anyone remember those? Whenever I bring a car to the workshop, I get the feeling that I'm getting ripped off because I'm female. But just because you have certain set of chromosomes doesn't mean that you innately get the mechanical workings of a car. 

Out of curiousity, I signed up for the workshop (jointly organised by Star Motoring and TOC) at the local TOC (The Otomotif College) campus a few weeks before via email and online bank-in. You get an email before the actual date about the day's schedule, where to park, etc. It's RM100 - it wasn't THAT expensive.

Some of the topics covered...
  1. Knowing Car Components
  2. Vehicle Interior and Electricals
  3. Preventive Car Maintenance
  4. Changing Tyres, Bulbs and Wiper Blades
  5. Long Journey Check
  6. Handling Car Break Downs and Emergencies
  7. How to Prolong the Life Span of a Vehicle
Because of circumstances beyond my control (literally), I was cutting it real close by arriving close to 9 a.m, but I wasn't the only latecomer. Got my bag of stuff (hand out notes - sweet!, pen and some TOC-related material [naturally]) and sat outside with everyone else. There was breakfast-y items out in the outdoor dining area like currypuffs, kuih, etc. Since I already had my breakfast, all I helped myself to was the Nescafe (no such thing as too much caffeine in the morning). The kakak there told me that we'd be having nasi lemak for lunch. Luckily I didn't have that for breakfast. There were probably about a dozen of us there, and I was a little relieved that I wasn't the only lady there.

When we signed in, we got assigned to smaller groups and it's in these groups that we go through the workshop topics. I suppose it beats them having to deal with a large group. And in our groups, we get to ask the instructors seemingly dumb questions too. I was the only female in my own small group with a guy who's closer to my age, a young guy and an old uncle. The instructors we got were mostly Filippino, so it took awhile to adjust to the accents. We also got shuffled around from room to room for different topics with different instructors, which keeps everyone moving and from falling asleep if they were to be in one room the whole day. There were also the practical sessions, which I didn't mind so much.

Quick lunch break - nasi lemak, chicken rendang and air sirap. I kinda wished I could get my afternoon caffeine shot, but oh well. After a couple more topics after lunch, and a final Q&A session with the instructors, everyone got their certificate of participation and had their pictures taken :P

As per their suggestion, I parked at the hawker centre next door and balked at the RM8 parking, which was relatively cheaper than any summon or fine had you parked illegally.

Why no pictures? Well, because we were told not to take any. Which was fine by me.

There's also other sessions happening in September and November, so if you have a free Saturday and know next to nothing about cars, you might want to go. 

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