Saturday, October 15, 2022

Shamaine Othman - Oh No She Didn't

New week, another comic doing their hour long special. 

This week, it's Shamaine Othman's turn with her first hour (after so many years doing standup), "OH NO SHE DIDN'T", a one-night only show happening at DPAC. It's been YEARS since I was last there (last I was there was in the before-times) and even longer since for a comedy show. Luckily I got a ticket when I did, cos it sold out pretty quickly afterwards. If nothing else, at least it wasn't somewhere dingier - go big or go home.

Because it didn't rain, I got there in under 20 minutes, just as the doors are finally open and and people are streaming in because it's free seating. (Also didn't want to pay through the nose in parking cos it's still hourly parking on weekdays there, so I was erm, fashionably late)

So instead of wasting time in the foyer (not many makan options open at this time of night these days cos of the pandemic, I think, so it was just as well that I already had dinner beforehand), I joined the queue and sat in my favourite/default space.
It's all kind of interesting watching the who's who of local stage and screen showing their support - thespians, reality show contestants, fellow standup comics (who didn't have to be on stage themselves that night) and artistes... I don't know what percentage of the audience she was friends with, but I imagine it had got to be at least 60%? I'm still firmly in the minority "rando" demographic that I'm okay with. 

Being Malaysia, of course the show started at "Malaysian 8.30 p.m." aka after 8.45 p.m. 

Riezman was the opening act. Personally, I have nothing against Riezman, but I'm sure I would be more amused by his 10 minutes (?) set if I hadn't already heard it (or at least, most of it) most recently a few nights before, so that's on me. Everyone else laughed at some of the punchlines. 

I'm just hoping he also doesn't announce his own hour long show soon.

Shamaine's set was not bad. She mentioned that her parents are in the audience (who had never seen her do standup)... after she asked everyone if they wanted a clean set or not and the joke being that she never had a clean set to begin with. Knowing that she had this show to prepare for, I kinda avoided the open mics and shows she was doing in the weeks leading up to this, because I know if I went, I would just be stone faced from ennui. But I (or most of the audience) knew going in that the material was gonna be risque AF. 

A lot of the material I've heard before (there was boob, vag and sex talk), but still kinda funny so I can't complain. Her closing bit about trying to dispute a certain "hub" charge with "Siti from CIMB" over the phone was still hilarious AF.

Got a bit of everything - crowd work, prop comedy... 

Woman of the hour

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