Sunday, January 4, 2009

And the Eleventh Doctor Is...

[I'm bored, and this is only piece of news that caught my attention late last night when I finally remembered. I was following the #doctorwho feed on Twitter Search to know who the new one was. Twitter's useful like that - got the news off Twitter before Google News or the Beeb site]

David Tennant is finally stepping down as The Tenth Doctor on Doctor Who, but only after some more specials next year. Much as I think Tennant's pretty hot, but as I've not seen the show (and I don't know if I want to start, really). Other than that, there's not much else lah - the last major movie I've seen him in was that Potter movie as Barty Crouch, Jr... and the guy was only in a few scenes. Hmph. Unless I actually go to UK and see him on stage...

Anyway, the BBC's announced the Eleventh Doctor yesterday and it's this guy....

Matt Smith - reportedly the youngest ever at 26. At least his name's not John, there are too many Matt Smiths on Google already : P

My only reaction to the news is: Bloody hell - he and Robert Pattinson are in competition for worst hair ever.

Anyway, he's only making his appearance as The Doctor only next year.

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