Monday, January 5, 2009

So I finally read that damn Twilight book justify my reason for hating this series. I started on this last week but only finished today. PDF file, mind you; I refuse to give Stephenie Meyer the satisfaction of having some of MY money.

I thought the book was a little rambly; she (both author and protagonist) went on and on about what was basically jack squat and about how "perfect" Edward the vamp is and how he restrains himself from accidentally killing the love of his life, yada yada yada. 70% of the book's yada yada material. Book could've been a lot tighter.

My reactions reading this...
  • "OMG - SHADDUP already!!"

  • I get it: you love him, he loves you; you both cannot live without each other, I fucking get it!! ENOUGH ALREADY!!
Apart from Bella Swan, the only other literary character that I want to slap senseless is Becky Bloomwood of the Shopaholic series.

Edward's so "perfect" he's not real (really, what). As I was reading this, Robert Pattinson is NO WAY an "Edward Cullen" - some other young guy maybe, but him? Nah.

And I wasn't even reading it all that thoroughly - I was skimming through the rambling, trying to find the point.

The only comparison I could make to the book is like a bloody (literally, not figuratively) car accident: you know you should look away, but you look anyway because it's so fascinating. It's the best way to describe it.

And I have the other two books to glance through. Woo.

[As I type this, I'm looking to join ONE Anti-Twilight group on Facebook - so far it's between "Twilight sucks!!!" and "Edward Cullen Can Eat My Shorts - The Official Anti-Twilight Trilogy Group". Which one's better?]

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