Thursday, November 21, 2019

Charlie's Angels

I'm a sucker for a franchise reboot, be it TV or movies. I'm not complaining about someone rebooting this particular franchise - I enjoyed the previous movies. It's also been FOUR WHOLE MONTHS since I last saw a movie this year in the cineplex: mostly due to health reasons, nothing that I wanted to watch, yada yada yada. 
  • Have to like how the California HQ is basically like a ranch for Angels and Bosleys. 
  • Phwoar, suddenly got so many Bosleys all over the planet. But I suppose the name being designated as a rank is a good way to explain why they're all Bosley. Only recognised the NY Bosley.
  • Wow they really laid on the references to the TV show and previous movies khau khau - they 'shopped in Sir P. Stew as Bosley and not even Bill Murray or Bernie Mac. 
  • Yeah, you can't really have P. Stew in this movie and have his character retire after 10 minutes, he'll be back one. 
  • Yeah, kinda figured that Djimon Hounsou wasn't gonna survive this movie. Isn't there a movie trope where the black guy always dies first? 
  • I don't think it's a coincidence that the silent, tatt-ed assassin was supposed to be a reference to Crispin Glover's hair-sniffing Thin Man in an earlier movie, haha. 
  • They even squeezed in another old TV show reference by having one of the characters be called Saint (geddit?). Also, who doesn't want someone like Saint in real life...?
  • You could kinda tell that Kristen Stewart had fun making this one. I don't know who her team is, but props to them for finagling her billing in this. I also wonder who's #1 on that callsheet.. 
  • Have to like that they still use that same style speaker for Charlie, even in 2019. And not a bluetooth speaker.
  • At least Elizabeth Banks wrote a nice backstory for herself - as an Angel that got promoted (and not afraid to get her hands dirty on the field, it seems) to Bosley. At least there's career progression in the Townsend Agency in 2019. 
  • Do all the Bosleys know each other's real first names or something? Do the Angels? I guess for telling each other apart, it makes sense because they're all Bosleys... 😂 
  • There's even a reference to a past "betrayal" in the agency here (were they referring to Full Throttle?
  • Wait, so "Charlie" is (now) also a rank, much like Bosley? (You have to watch the stingers for this bit - but good to know Charlie's not a dude in this one cos the voice from the TV show died a while ago)
  • There's SO MANY cameos you can't afford to blink. Whether you recognise them is another matter.
  • If I didn't know any better, they actually took note of her acrophobia and instead of making her jump out of the plane in the mid credit scene, she gets to land it instead. 
  • Hang on, if "Ingrid" was also an Angel, then why was she at that company to begin with...?
  • If you didn't know any better, you would think the plot was a 2 hour long recruitment exercise to get the newbie to join them.
I'm glad there's some red herrings, backstory teases and plot holes here and there, but it kinda reminds me of the plot to Full Throttle (the one where Demi Moore plays a former Angel turned baddie), except that it's P. Stew (as Bosley Prime) who turned traitor. 

For the most part, I thought it was okay. I also have so many niggles and questions. I'm a little sad that it supposedly tanked, but it's a Charlie's Angels movie - it's supposed to be kind of a fun romp?

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